Research And Publications

Our Research Issues

Electric propulsion (EP) thrusters

This is the essential target of JLPP to research and develop Electric Propulsion (EP) thrusters to explore the deep space, to provide micro-thrust of small satellite, position keeping and so on. Our lab has developed various kinds of EP thrusters.

Facilities Of JLPP​

Experiments are one of the essential approaches to study EP’s principle and research the properties of plasma. JLPP has a complete system of facilities to provide our lab members to do different experiments.

Lunar Dust

Experiments are one of the essential approaches to study EP’s principle and research the properties of plasma. JLPP has a complete system of facilities to provide our lab members to do different experiments.

Plasma Theories And Simulations​

Doing research by theories studying and simulation is another important way to find the deep secrets of plasma and EP. JLPP has developed two main kinds of studying method: PIC/MCC and MHD.

Our Research Papers

Journal Papers​

We published lots of journal papers. Up to now, tens of Chinese journal papers and hundreds of English ones have been published. 

The journals we have been published on include many highly recognized ones, including Plasma Source Science and Technology, Physics of Plasma, Energy, Physical Review series and so on.

Conference Papers

We love to share our research progress with the community, so we attend many academic conferences. 

The international conferences we attend are mainly IEPC and AIAA conference series, while the domestic conferences mainly include Chinese Electric Propulsion Conference, Chinese Small Satellite Conference, etc

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