learn what we are doing
We are expanding the boundaries of science
EP Thrusters
We have developed many kinds of Electric Propulsion thrusters, many of which have been launched into space.
Plasma Groud Test
We have the first-class facilities and plenty of experience to do the ground test for the plasma-related devices.
Plasma Theory & Simulation
We developed our own approaches and codes for the plasma theory and simulation, including MHD, kinetic and hybrid methods,
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Meet Our Faculties
Based on Beihang University, which is one of the most innovative aerospace research institutions in China.
Mainly focused on Electric Propulsion, we have accomplished lots of scientific and applicational achievements.
Plasma physics, Propulsion engineeringg, Fluid dynamics, Kinetic modelling, etc, are all researched.
Established in 1998, our lab has been over 20 years. We have completed buches of national projects and funds.
Cooperations with acedamic institute
with >20 years of experience